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Princess Glow Crowns Tutorial
June 26, 2014
Author: Adelle Belnap


Does your little princess enjoy summer evenings as much as mine do? The cool nights without homework, bedtime or a care in the world are simply magical. They're even more magical at the Disneyland Resort! Fantasmic!, World of Color and the fireworks are just a few of the exciting things that will keep your family out after the sun goes down on your summer vacation.

Light up your Summer Nights with these cute glow princess crowns. They are a simple and inexpensive way to add a royal spark to your evening under the stars. They're easy enough to make in your hotel room and will save you a ton of money on light-up souvenirs in the park!

These glow crowns are incredibly fast and easy to create.

For each crown you'll need:

  • Five Regular Glow Sticks 
  • Two Connectors (from the glow stick kit)
  • Clear Packing Tape
  • Scissors

To start, crack all of the glow sticks so they are bendable and glowing. Then, connect two of the glow sticks with the plastic connectors to make the circle for the crown.

The next three glow sticks will be attached to the top of the crown with clear tape. Cut six pieces of clear packing tape that are about 3/4 inch wide and have them ready for use.

Place the tape on the end of the glow stick.

Attach the stick to the front of the crown's circle with the tape. You will be adding three, so start the first stick about an inch from the connector piece so there is room for you to add all three of the crown loops. Just wrap the tape around the bottom of the crown base and then up the back. The tape should be sticking to itself. Press it tightly so the stick doesn't slip around. Repeat this process until all three of the glow sticks are attached.

It's as simple as that!

The clear tape allows the glowing light to shine though, so you hardly notice it in the dark.

I found that unless the girls were acting just like princesses, that their glow crowns tended to slip off their heads. This problem is easily solved with a few bobby pins. Slip a piece of hair up and over the crown and then pin it is place with the bobby pin. I did this on each side of the crown and it helped secure it in place for active play.

There is nothing better than feeling like a princess - unless it's looking like one even at night!

Make your summer nights better (and brighter) with a trip to the Disneyland Resort! Book online or call our Disney experts at 855-GET-AWAY.

Check out these other great articles: 
Free Summer Night Specials and Exclusive Extras
Tips to Keep Cool at Disneyland this Summer
Fantasmic! at Disneyland 101
World of Color Additions at Disney California Adventure


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