It’s hard to believe that the Indiana Jones attraction at Disneyland Resort first opened decades ago on March 4, 1995. Check out the list of treasures that you can discover while making memories “that belong in a museum” on your next Disneyland vacation. Spoiler Alert: The list contains functions and secrets of operations.
From the moment you step into the queue to when you emerge from your journey's end, there are hidden treasures around every corner. Here are 10 things you didn't know about the Indiana Jones Adventure.

Indiana Jones Adventure: Disneyland Queue
After you “break the entrance seal” to the Indiana Jones Adventure, the queue features some Hollywood relics fit for a museum. “All your life has been spent in pursuit of archaeological relics. Inside … are treasures beyond your wildest aspirations. You want to see it opened as well as I. Indiana, we are simply passing through history. This, this is history.”
1. Check out the troop transport truck from Raiders of the Lost Ark. The very stunt vehicle where Indy himself slid under the truck to safety, and into Hollywood fame, is on display.
Notice the golf ball looking markers on top of the rod on each side of the front bumper. Hollywood stuntmen used them to increase safety. In addition, you will pass one of the mine cars that Indy and Short Round used to escape certain death in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
“Short Round! Quit messin’ around and get in the cart! - Let go of the brake, our only chance is to outrun ‘em!”
Just like every other attraction at Disneyland, the hope is that you will get into character and experience a true adventure. Immersing yourself in the magic can be incredibly fun! Imagine that you are living in 1935 and have heard that the famed college professor and archaeologist, Dr. Jones, has discovered a temple in India that offers one of three gifts to all who come to visit the site: earthy riches, eternal youth, or visions of the future.
There is a warning, however, you must never gaze into the eyes of Mara, the temple's protector. Dr. Jones has invited you on a tour to help raise funds to continue his research at the temple. He hasn't been seen for a week and has asked his old friend Salah to take you on the expedition. You enter the temple with wonder and excitement on what treasure you might find!
“Indiana Jones. I always knew someday you'd come walking back through my door. I never doubted that. Something made it inevitable.”

2. You discover there are hieroglyphics on the walls. It’s a good thing that you read our blog so that you are armed with a decoder card! Originally, AT&T sponsored the attraction and supplied them to guests when the attraction opened on March 4, 1995.
You will notice that the symbols on the decoder card are similar to the English alphabet and that vowels are indicated in red. Notice the one symbol different from the others? The letter I is fashioned similar to an eye. Can you decode one of the many messages found on the walls?

3. Look around for additional hidden items on the trail to the temple. In the large temple area look at all of the crates that contain relics packed by the Lost River Expedition… #9906752 was the same crate number that held the Ark of the Covenant featured in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
“Well, I mean that for nearly three thousand years man has been searching for the lost ark. It's not something to be taken lightly. No one knows its secrets. It's like nothing you've ever gone after before.”
4. Club Obi Wan was the club's name featured in the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and is the name of a hero in a galaxy far, far away!
There are many other secrets hidden throughout the catacombs and caves.

5. Look for the obelisk that describes the four different dangers that you will experience on your adventure.
6. The location of the attraction used to be the Eeyore section of the Disneyland parking lot. As in every other attraction that has displaced something, the Imagineers have left a reminder of the original location. In the theater room, look behind the movie projector, an Eeyore sign is staring back.
7. After the theater room, look in Indy’s office, you’ll see an old magazine with a very old Mickey Mouse on the cover.
Indiana Jones Adventure: Disneyland Attraction
8. Now, it is time to enter your troop transport for your adventure into the temple. The transport is a moving drive simulator complete with hydraulics to simulate movement, rough roads, and other dangers.
The transport is designed with a personality to “jump” away from snakes and bugs, or “show fear” in such a dark and dangerous place. Nearly each ride is different with thousands of movements programmed into the highly technological vehicle.
After you buckle in and get set for your adventure, you will be granted your prize in the Chamber of Destiny, but don’t look into Mara’s eyes!
Short Round: “Hold on to your potatoes!”
Wilie: “For crying out loud, there’s a kid driving the car!”
Indy: “Relax, I’ve been giving him lessons.”

9. Mirrors are provided so that you can see which hall you will be entering without looking into Mara’s eyes. Technologically, this is a facade that moves so that it appears that there are three separate tracks, but there is only one operating corridor on one track. However, each hall of promise has a different lighting and imaging package to give guests a different experience making it look like there is more than one approach.
Fountain of Eternal Youth: Lighting is blue and features fountains. Mara’s comments: “you have chosen wisely. This path leads to endless youth and beauty.”
Chamber of Earthly Riches: Lighting is orange and gold in color and features treasures. Mara’s comments: “You seek earthy treasures and gold, it is yours.”
Observatory of the Future: Look above you for the night’s sky with thousands of fiber optic stars. Mara’s comments: “You seek the future. It is your destiny.”
New projection technology has been added to Mara and provides a surprise when someone in your transport looks into her eyes! Mara curses, “ You looked into my eyes, you will now experience the Gates of Doom!”
Now, you and your expedition try to survive the curse of Mara, you avoid bugs, flying spears, skeletons, rats and snakes. “Snakes? Why did it have to be snakes?”
10. Your ride vehicle comes to a sudden stop and you are faced with a gigantic boulder - Indy is hanging from a rope instructing you to avoid the danger. Your ride vehicle appears and feels like it is moving backward to get away from the boulder.
In reality, a sheath is moving the boulder closer to you and the ride vehicle positions as if it is moving backward, “What a fitting end to your life's pursuits. You're about to become a permanent addition to this archaeological find. Who knows? In a thousand years, even you may be worth something.”
A lighting package creates a strobe effect and all goes dark. It feels as if the boulder will crash down at any moment. The ride vehicle moves safely down a decline making it seem like you dodged the boulder. This leg of your adventure has come to an end and you have survived! You get a chance to walk back through the queuing areas. Look for the great details referencing Indiana Jones’ adventures.
“No defiant last words, Dr. Jones?”
In the end, the most valuable treasure is creating great memories with your friends and family. Get Away Today can help you create the perfect trip for your family with everything from discount park tickets to the most affordable hotel accommodations. Call Get Away Today's experts for your free quote today at 855-GET-AWAY or check out our discount Disneyland packages online. Either way, we're here to help your next Disneyland vacation an adventure to remember!
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Leave A CommentAnonymousApril 01 2020
?? cool thx
AnonymousJuly 24 2019
i used to think mara was bhuddah. :p
Get Away TodayMay 01 2019
Scott- It is definitely an amazing ride! We love all the effects.
S cottMay 01 2019
The ride vehicle feels like it is moving backwards because the nature cave tunnel is moving away from you as you don’t move...great visual illusion
AnonymousNovember 15 2018
Here's another: The Bamboo poles throughout are not Bamboo at all but PVC pipes of various sizes, textured and painted to look like Bamboo! Talented Disney Imagineers!
AnonymousMay 05 2017
Woah! Cool! It would be nice if you de-coded the message on the wall
bobApril 12 2017
OBI WAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaron December 07 2015
I had no idea that was the truck from raiders! So cool!