Prevent Child Abuse Utah
Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PCAU) was founded in 1982 as an organization that focuses on preventing child abuse in any form, while also offering resources to offer support to those who do experience it. Statistics show 1 in 5 Utah children will be sexually abused before the age of 18, making this an important topic to address in the community.
Prevent Child Abuse Utah’s mission is as follows: “Through advocacy and outreach, Prevent Child Abuse Utah's Parents as Teachers Program serves as a voice for early childhood education and champions the critical role of parental involvement and early intervention in the education continuum.”
One way PCAU promotes their mission is with in-person demonstrations in Utah classrooms. PCAU staff tailor their presentations for each age group and use appropriate aids and teaching methods to get their message across. They strongly believe all children should have a childhood free from abuse, and do their best to teach children to recognize, resist and report any interactions that give them the “uh-oh” feeling.
For parents and caregivers, PCAU offers a variety of other online courses available to provide education on important safety issues. There is an online course for K-12 students to help them stand up to bullies and a course for 3-12 students to teach them about Internet safety. Parents and caregivers can access courses on Shaken Baby Syndrome and watch courses with tweens and teens to help them understand healthy relationship boundaries. PCAU offers a free, 30-minute online course to help parents learn about protecting children from abuse and recognizing the signs of abuse in a child. PCAU also teaches to whom you should report instances of abuse, and the proper course of action to take in situations of abuse.
Additionally, Prevent Child Abuse Utah teaches that abuse typically occurs within a child’s circle of trust, meaning someone they know is more likely to abuse them. With resources from PCAU, parents and guardians can be more aware of how to protect children from these harmful encounters.
Prevent Child Abuse Utah studies show that children who are abused, but who receive treatment as soon as possible, may not endure lasting effects from the trauma. PCAU recommends a number of programs for support, including Children’s Justice Centers, United Way, Domestic Violence agencies and more.
Get Away Today is honored to be a community supporter of Prevent Child Abuse Utah. This is a worthy cause that deserves attention, donations and implementation in our community. This summer Get Away Today will participate in the Stacey Campbell Memorial Golf Tournament, the proceeds of which will go directly to PCAU to enrich their educational offerings.
If you are interested in having a representative from PCAU provide services for your organization, you can find more information on their website: https://pcautah.org/