UPDATED OCTOBER 2024. At Get Away Today, we are committed to helping you save the most on your vacation. We have made a business of making travel affordable and easy for families for more than 30 years.
One of the ways we help keep vacations affordable is with our convenient Layaway Plans. Our Vacation Layaway Plans are available on our Disneyland Resort, Walt Disney World vacations and more!
Although our Layaway Plans can be used for almost every type of vacation we sell, there are some destinations including Hawaii, Mexico and Cruises, that have their own plan where this does not apply. By booking a Layaway Plan, you are able to lock in availability at your preferred hotel and make convenient payments towards your vacation.

How Our Layaway Plan Works
- Get Away Today Layaway Plans require $200 down.
- Your $200 down payment includes a non-refundable $99 Layaway Plan fee which means $101 automatically goes toward paying for your vacation.
- You decide the payment amount and schedule.
- Your vacation must be paid off in full nine (9) days prior to travel, but we recommend paying it off earlier; more tips on that below.

Layaway for Just $200 Down

Secure Your Hotel Pricing
- With our Layaway Plan you lock in your pricing in most cases.
- Because of Disney's ticket policy, we are unable to send your ticket numbers until your Layaway Plan has been paid in full.
- The only way your ticket price will change is if Disney implements a price increase on tickets during your Layaway period. This typically happens once a year. The price increase has happened in October the last three years.
- If Disney implements a price increase we give our Layaway guests notification of the increase and Disney’s current deadline to pay off the ticket portion of your Layaway to keep that pricing.

Layaway and Disney Price Increases
How to Sign up for Layaway
- Select your vacation package. Remember when booking, your package must be paid in full 9 days before you go, so be sure to allow yourself enough time to pay off your balance when selecting your vacation dates.
- Once you've added your vacation package to your cart, select check out.
- You'll be directed to the Login page. You MUST be logged in to create a Layaway Plan. If you do not already have an account on www.getawaytoday.com, you may create one at that time.
- Follow the instructions until you get to Payment Details. Select "Layaway Plan" as your Payment Method. If you are not logged in, you will not see Layaway Plan as a payment option.
- Enter your payment information and follow the remaining instructions.

Make Your Own Payment Schedule

Join the Conversation!
Leave A CommentGet Away TodayDecember 04 2023
Great question! We are unable to take Disney Gift Cards as a form of payment - we recommend saving those for while you are in the Parks. :)
AnonymousNovember 28 2023
Can I make payments on my layaway plan using Disney Gift cards?
Get Away TodayOctober 23 2023
Hi Telly, great question! Your plan will need to be fully paid off in order for us to be able to send you ticket numbers to make Disneyland and Disney California Adventure park reservations.
TellyOctober 21 2023
If doing a layaway plan, am I able to also make reservations with Disneyland after making the lawaway plan? Or does my plan need to be paid off first before being able to make reservations?
Get Away TodayAugust 10 2023
Hi Anonymous, yes you can! Give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY and they would love to help get you set up with a layaway plan.
AnonymousJuly 14 2023
Can I book a layaway vacation 8 months in advance?
Get Away TodayFebruary 27 2020
Anonymous- You are welcome to purchase your tickets with a debit card. Good question!
AnonymousFebruary 26 2020
Can I use a debit card to purchase park tickets or does it have to be a credit card?
Get Away TodayFebruary 12 2020
Anonymous - Yes, we do have payment options for cruises! Give our cruise department a call at 877-510-2929 if you'd like to get started.
AnonymousJanuary 13 2020
Are Layaway Plans available for cruises?
Get Away TodayJanuary 08 2020
Anonymous- Please call our reservation agents at 855-GET-AWAY for more information about the Layaway Plan and the Peace of Mind Plan. These options may work for you if you're worried about cancellation fees. Hope this helps!
AnonymousJanuary 05 2020
I want to lock in a deal for a Disneyland vacation and would like to do layaway but if something comes up can we cancel even if on layaway?
Get Away TodayFebruary 13 2019
Mandy- The Layaway Plan is for any vacation package booked with Get Away Today. Cruises has their own version of a payment plan, with a deposit that is typically a percentage of the package total. Feel free to give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY for more details!
Get Away TodayFebruary 13 2019
Andi- Flights are not eligible for our Layaway Plan and will need to be paid in full at the time of purchase.
AndiJanuary 28 2019
Can you do a layaway on flights ?
MandyAugust 13 2018
Is the Lay-A-Way available on any vacation package? Or just what you have mentioned above?
Get Away TodayMay 30 2018
Hi Nicole! While our normal layaway plans don't apply to Disney Cruises, we do have a different payment plan available. The deposit can vary (typically 10-20% of the total) with payment due 45-90 days before you sail. For more info and current specials, call our cruise department at 877-510-2929.
NicoleMay 24 2018
Can you do a layway plan on a disney cruise? I was searching but I couldn't tell. Thanks
Get Away TodayApril 11 2018
Hi Tina! Our packages do not include flights, but our agents can help you book those separately. Give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY! :)
TinaApril 10 2018
Does your Disney package includes the flights?
DamaJanuary 19 2018
Does layaway work when you add in plane tickets or is it just lay away on hotels and disney tickets?
AnonymousNovember 30 2017
What happens if a booking is made about 9 months out and then something happens to prevent you from going? I would be coming from another country. Many thanks
Get Away TodayNovember 20 2017
Hi Brittany! The status of your current vacation shouldn't affect any new plans. If it's still giving you issues online, feel free to give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. We'd love to help you get that all set up for next Thanksgiving!
Brittany HigginsNovember 17 2017
Hi!! I’m trying to book a vacation for my family next Thanksgiving but it’s not allowing me to do a layaway plan. I’m currently on my way to Fis Dylan’s with a trip that I purchased through you. Does my trip that I’m Currently on have to be over for me to set up a new vacation?
Get Away TodayOctober 13 2017
Hi Courtnee, the down payment will depend on the destination. For Southern California vacations (like Disneyland), the required down payment is $125. For all other destinations, the down payment will depend on the total package price, but is usually around $200 - $400. For more information, give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY.
CourtneeOctober 10 2017
I would like to do a lay a way plan is there a minimum down payment that you have to have? like if the trip is 3,000 what would you require down?
Get Away TodayAugust 18 2017
Hi Kris! We do not sell annual passes so we are unable to do layaway plans on them. However, you can put any of our tickets towards an annual pass when you get to the park. We definitely can help with your group trip! For more information, give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY and ask to speak with one of our group specialists. :)
KrisAugust 17 2017
Do you do layaway plans for Annual passes? I think I know the answer but thought I would ask anyways :) Also, do you do group rates. We want to do a family trip. There is 38 of us and one baby.
Get Away TodayJune 23 2017
Hi Rachael! Yes, you can do a layaway plan for tickets only. You can set that up online or give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY.
RachaelJune 21 2017
Can you do a layaway package for tickets only?
Get Away TodayJune 21 2017
Hi Debbye! We do offer payment plans on our Hawaii packages as well, the down payment will just depend on what is included. Visit our Hawaii page or give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY for pricing and more information.
DebbyeJune 21 2017
Can u do layaway on a Hawaiian package?
Get Away TodayJune 14 2017
Hi Kia! Our $125 down layaway plan can be used for our Southern California vacation packages, including the Legoland California Resort. For more information, or to book, give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY.
KiaJune 13 2017
Do you guy do layaway plans on Lego land
Get Away TodayApril 12 2017
Hi there! The $125 down payment is only for our Disneyland packages. However, we do offer payment plans for Disney cruises as well. The down payment will just depend on the itinerary. For more information, give our cruise department a call at 877-510-2929. :)
AnonymousApril 11 2017
Does the $125 layaway plan work on a Disney cruise?
Can I do a layaway plan fApril 03 2017
I would love to plan this and with costs like they are, an 8 day trip will cost a lot for my son and I and it would be wonderful to take him there!
Get Away TodayMarch 27 2017
Hi Courtney! We do not accept Disney gift cards as payment for our layaway plan, those can only be used with Disney directly. Please let us know if you have any other questions!
CourtneyMarch 26 2017
Can Disney gift cards be applied to a layaway balance?
Get Away TodayMarch 03 2017
Hi Kami! You are always able to cancel and make changes on your layaway plan. We recommend purchasing our Peace of Mind plan as well because that will cover you from any fees when changing or canceling. Otherwise you can still cancel, but there would be a $125 cancellation fee. If you have any questions on that, please give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY!
KamiMarch 02 2017
I want to plan a trip for my boyfriend and I to Disneyland at the end of September. If I set up with a layaway plan and something comes up to where we have to cancel our trip, are we refunded the money that we've already put down?
Get Away TodayFebruary 24 2017
Hi Ashley! We do offer layaway plans for other destinations, they just differ on deposit and due date. To find the details out for your specific trip, please call our reservation agents at 855-GET-AWAY. :)
Ashley GFebruary 24 2017
Are layaway plans only available for Disneyland?
Get Away TodayFebruary 21 2017
Hi Chad! You are able to pay however much you would like whenever you would like on the plan - as long as the final payment is complete 15 days before you go. Your plan may have a few payment dates set up (as indicated by the email) but you can call us at 855-GET-AWAY with your layaway plan information to have those dates changed or simply taken off. Thanks!
ChadFebruary 20 2017
We setup a layaway plan a few weeks ago and the email shows an equal amount due every month. We made a payment smaller that that amount (hoped to make a few smaller payments each month), but got a new agreement with.a new amount due each month. Do we have to make an exact payment for whatever the newest amount is regardless of other smaller payments, just pay more than that amount before the due date in order to hold our plan or is just broken down monthly to give us suggested amount t pay based on how many months we have before our trip?
Get Away TodayJanuary 16 2017
Hi Tina! You can currently begin a layaway plan for as far out at December 2017. Once summer rolls around and we have availability for 2018, you'll be able to begin a layaway plan for as far out as December 2018. Please let us know if you have any questions and feel free to call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY to get your layaway plan started now!
TinaJanuary 15 2017
How far in advance Can you begin a layaway plan?
Get Away TodayJanuary 09 2017
Hi Jas! To start a layaway plan with a hotel, you will need to know your exact dates. If you purchase our Peace of Mind travel protection, you can always change your dates for no fees though! Otherwise, you can do a layaway plan with just the tickets and add the hotel when you are sure of your dates. Either way works and you can give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY to help with that!
JasJanuary 08 2017
Hi! What if we are not sure about exact dates? We know witch month we want to go in but not sure if the exact date because of school. Can we do layaway just for the tickets? Or add a package without picking specific dates?
Get Away TodayJanuary 06 2017
Hi Julius! Yes, your initial down payment of $125 will go towards your overall package price. Thank you! :)
Julius January 06 2017
Hello , When you make your initial down payment of $125, does it cut in your cost of your full payment . Say the package is $1000, I make the first payment , is it 875 moving forward ?
Get Away TodayJanuary 05 2017
Hi Toni! As long as the hotel is available for your dates, we can start the layaway plan now and add on the tickets later. That's not a problem at all! To do so, you can give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. Thank you! :)
ToniJanuary 04 2017
we are planning on a disney trip in january of 2018...can we do a layaway plan now for the hotel and add the tickets on later when pricing for the next year is available?
Get Away TodayDecember 29 2016
Hi Rolamb! For our Southern California vacations, the deposit is $125. For other destinations, Disney World or Hawaii, the deposit depends on what is in the package, but usually ranges from $200 - $400. If you would like to quote out any of our wonderful packages, please give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. Thank you!
RolambDecember 28 2016
How much of a deposit/down payment is required for layaway?
Get Away TodayDecember 27 2016
Hi Noheaikamalanai! You are able to change your monthly charge by giving us a call at 855-GET-AWAY with your order information. We look forward to hearing from you!
Noheaikamalanai KeahiDecember 26 2016
Aloha! I have booked our layaway package and selected automatic payments. I have already paid off a month but was wondering if I can change my auntomatic monthly charge date to accommodate my other bills.
Get Away TodayDecember 22 2016
Hi Lisa! You will need to know your dates, but you can purchase our Peace of Mind Plan at time of purchase. This travel protection allows the ultimate flexibility because you can then change your dates as many times as you need to without penalty. If you have any questions, give us a call at 855-GET-AWAY. Thank you!
LisaDecember 21 2016
Do you have to have your dates set in stone to start the layaway? We ate not quite sure of exact dates yet but know that it will be in May 2017. Just have to wait to find out what exact date my husband will get for holidays. Thank you
Get Away TodayNovember 03 2016
Hi Sally, We do, however, you'll need to process the payment through PayPal. Otherwise, our online system requires a U.S. billing address. If you need assistance, we'd be happy to help over the phone as well. 855-GET-AWAY. :)
SallyNovember 02 2016
Hi. Do you accept package bookings including with Layaway payment option made via online by travelers from outside the US?
Get Away TodayAugust 22 2016
Hi Kayla, Yes - tickets and pricing are guaranteed with the Layaway Lock-in. That's one of its biggest perks! Tickets and packages are sent after final payment is received. Our company is based out of Ogden, Utah. :) Our agents would love to help you if you have any other questions: 855-GET-AWAY. Thanks!
Kayla August 18 2016
Hello, are the tickets and pricing guaranteed? Also, when do we get said tickets, is it after full payment? Where is your company based out of?
Get Away TodayJuly 25 2016
Hi Adriana, We normally get pricing for the next year mid to late summer, which means VERY SOON! We actually have many of our hotel rates and are doing an early booking bonus if you book now for 2017. Call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY.
Adriana July 20 2016
Hi we want to plan a family vacation to Disney for Christmas 2017 when will I be able to view prices for that time ? Thanks
Get Away TodayJuly 15 2016
Hi Monique, Yes, we can apply American Express gift cards to your payment, you'd just have to split the payments over the phone at 855-GET-AWAY. :)
Monique SilvisJuly 11 2016
I was just wondering my dad sent me over a 100.00 in american express gift cards and was wanting to know if i can apply those to my payments
Get Away TodayJuly 11 2016
Hi Ruben, You'll receive your actual e-tickets once payment is verified - normally same day. You'll just need to print your actual e-tickets and can go straight to the gate. If you would like to check the status of your tickets, call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY.
Get Away TodayJuly 11 2016
Hi Amy, Ticket pricing for next year should be available within the next few weeks. Many of our hotels are available to book now, and if you book now, our agents can give you a $25 credit to apply towards your tickets for next year. Just give them a call at 855-GET-AWAY. :)
RubenJuly 10 2016
I have a question. I just recently purchased three tickets for Universal Studios only, and i got the receipt with the invoice numbers through my email. My question is, do i show this once i arrive at Universal Studios? And is the receipt only supposed to have an Invoice number. Thanks
AmyJuly 10 2016
I was looking into planning a trip for January 2017. When will the deals for next year be posted/updated?
Teresa Rodriguez June 24 2016
I l9ve new a England in the fall, 5 years ago I went , and would very much like to go again...but this time I need a layaway plan because I have not saved yet.can you help me? One person only.
YOUJune 15 2016
I am trying to plan a trip for next May. can you please tell me when the new pricing will be updated.
Get Away TodayMay 31 2016
Hi Me, We are an authorized Disney ticket seller, which means our system ties in directly to theirs. Disneyland will take your photo the first day that you use your ticket and have you sign the back of your ticket. The picture must match who is using it for Disneyland. Walt Disney World does use thumbprint technology and the thumbprints must match.
Get Away TodayMay 31 2016
Hi Colleen, you can start a layaway plan as far out as you'd like. We even have options to start a layaway plan for next year, even before pricing gets in. That way when pricing becomes available, you have first access to all of the hotels and you already have a great head start on your vacation! You can call our agents to set that up at 855-GET-AWAY.
MeMay 30 2016
Are you Disney approved because I understand that they use thumbprints and they must match right?
Colleen May 24 2016
How far in advance can we start a layaway?
Get Away TodayMarch 30 2016
Hi Kyleigh - there is no interest on our layaway plans. :)
KyleighMarch 28 2016
My family is looking at doing a layaway plan. Is there interest added on?
Get Away TodayMarch 20 2016
Yes - you can add Character Dining tickets to any of our packages. Character Dining tickets can be purchased online or by calling 855-GET-AWAY.
AnonymousMarch 09 2016
If we already purchased our disney package is there a way I could still add character dining? Even though we already purchased our package? Thanks, Stephanie
Get Away TodayFebruary 09 2016
Hi Peter, It may only be showing one payment if you're booking a month or two out since final payment needs to be made two weeks prior to travel. You can change the number of payments after you've created an account online, or do it over the phone by calling 855-GET-AWAY. :)
PeterFebruary 08 2016
Its only giving my 1 as the number of payments after the down payment. Is this normal?
Get Away TodayJanuary 21 2016
Nivia, The layaway plan allows you to make as many payments up to two weeks before travel. It gives you the ability to confirm your hotel so that it doesn't sell out before you can pay for it in full, locks-in your low price on your package, and gives you the flexibility to make payments on your own schedule. :)
Get Away TodayJanuary 21 2016
Hi Editha,
Call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY. They'll be able to pull up your certificate online and are happy to help. :)
NiviaJanuary 21 2016
Hi , what does the layaway include ?
EdithaJanuary 20 2016
Hello, I cancelled a layaway trip a couple of years ago and got a voucher. Can't locate it because we have moved a couple times since that time. Is there a way I can get it replaced or look it up by my account?
Get Away TodayJanuary 19 2016
Hi LAG - yes! You can call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY to get that set-up.
LAGJanuary 11 2016
Can you do a layaway plan on just Disneyland tickets?
Get Away TodayJanuary 04 2016
Hi Irene, Yes we do, but they work a little bit differently. Please give our agents a call at 855-GET-AWAY and they can get you set up. Thanks!
Get Away TodayDecember 09 2015
Our plans are completely flexible, so you can make as many payments as you'd like as long as the plan is paid off two weeks before travel. If you're planning a year out, you could easily make 12 payments (or more!) if you want to break it out that way. You can set up your number of payments online or over the phone at 855-GET-AWAY. :)
i would like to do it forDecember 09 2015
i would like to do it for next Christmas but on how many payments i can do it
Josie like to take my famAugust 27 2015
I would like a week and half off and take my husband and your kids and grandkids. How do I get this started.
Get Away TodayAugust 14 2015
Hi Jason, Payment plans normally have to be paid off two weeks prior to travel, but you may be able to call an agent and see if there's any flexibility depending on the specifics of your vacation. 855-GET-AWAY :)
JasonAugust 14 2015
I'm trying to book a layaway for August 28th-30th. Trying to give a portion today and the rest on the 28th. Is that possible?
Get Away TodayJuly 15 2015
Danielle, it should be very soon. You can send an email to [email protected] to be put on our waiting list. Or, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram for the the announcement. Thanks!
DanielleJuly 12 2015
When will your 2016 rates be released? I'm trying to plan a trip for January 2016
Get Away TodayJuly 06 2015
Hi Angela, The final payment just needs to be paid off 2-3 weeks before travel, but the layaway package could be as long as you'd like. If you book 6 months prior to travel, you'd have approximately 5 1/2 months to pay for it. If you're booking for next December, you'd have almost a year and a half to pay for it, etc. Our agents would be happy to help you figure something out at 855-GET-AWAY. :)
Angela July 02 2015
Are your layaway packages only 3 weeks? Do you stretch it out any farther than that for more time to save?
Get Away TodayJune 18 2015
Hi Yandy, you can call 855-GET-AWAY. Our agents would love to help. :)
yandy banbinoJune 17 2015
what number can i call to make my layaway vacations
Get Away TodayApril 06 2015
Hi Robert,
We'd love to help you book your honeymoon - it sounds like you deserve one! We generally get pricing in mid-summer for the upcoming year, but we can start a layaway plan even earlier to help you save. Just call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY and they'd love to help you.
Robert O. Allen,jrMarch 30 2015
I would like to take my wife on our first honeymoon. we have been married for 23 years and we both are in our 60s, WE would like to go on Apr 25th 2016 so how far in advance can you plan