Surprise your family with a trip to Disneyland or Disney World with this Star Wars Vacation Surprise activity. Pop the Death Star balloon to reveal your Star Wars themed Disney vacation!
Give your Jedis a chance to put their skills to the test with this Star Wars vacation surprise! Your Rebel Fighters have to destroy the Death Star to find out where they are headed on a family adventure. When they succeed in complete destruction, an exciting note will be inside announcing a trip to Disneyland or Disney World. It is the perfect Star Wars vacation surprise for active and energetic children. And best of all, it is pretty easy to create. Perfect for all the Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge fans in your family!

Supplies Needed for your Star Wars Death Star Vacation Surprise
We’ve linked the items you may want to put inside your Death Star above, or you can stuff it with whatever you’d like. You’ll be surprised how much these balloons can hold!

Making Your Star Wars Death Star Vacation Surpise

Now, put on your artistic cap and get ready to transform an average black balloon into the most powerful weapon in the galaxy. You can use a picture of a Death Star beach ball as a reference for my sketches. Here is an idea of how ours took shape.
Start with the circle part. We used a couple of nice silver metallic Sharpie markers to draw with. They worked best when we alternated between markers as we drew.

This balloon creation is a blast to play with. It's practically indestructible!
Just like the real Death Star, it does have a weakness. If you poke it with a sharp object it will pop! But, make sure to have fun with it first.

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