Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge is one of our favorite additions to Disneyland and Walt Disney World. After saving the Galaxy and fighting the Resistance, it’s only natural to need a water refresher! Quench your thirst with water wrapped in Star Wars Water Bottle Labels. They are sure to keep things cool and peaceful in your little galaxy.
You will need:
Making Your Water Bottle Labels
Start by downloading the templates (Character Labels and Darth Vader Labels). There are two options to choose from. Print the labels on cardstock.

Remove the wrappers from the water bottles.

Cut the Star Wars Labels out into strips. Lay the strip face down onto a piece of packing tape. The packing tape keeps the label nice and smooth even if a little bit of water drips onto it.

Wrap the label around the water bottle. Make sure to keep it straight as you move around the bottle. The ends of the label will overlap slightly in the back. It's as easy as that!

The other printable is just a little bit different. It comes from one of our favorite Star Wars moments of all time. Remember when Luke finds out that Darth Vader is actually his father? "Luke. I am your father." It is one of the most quoted lines from the entire Star Wars series. Now, we get to hear Darth Vader say, "Luke. I am your WATER!"
To make the second template option, you will need to fill in the space with a name before you add it to the water bottles.

These personalized bottles are perfect for any Star Wars party or event. It helps the little Jedi's keep track of their own drink.

We hope you enjoy these Star Wars water bottle labels and that they make your day at Disneyland out of this world awesome.

Join the Conversation!
Leave A CommentConniMay 03 2018
Thank you so much for sharing. I am making these for my caseworkers tomorrow!!
AnonymousApril 19 2018
These are even perfect to send to school so water bottles don’t get mixed up
AnonymousJanuary 10 2018
Thanks for sharing! Love it!
Wendy NgJanuary 03 2018
Thanks so much for sharing, these are awesome!
KylieDecember 26 2017
LOVE this idea!! :D
Angie October 22 2017
Such great ideas so easy thanks so much I was in a pinch trying to get things for my to be 10 year olds Birthday party and wow these are awesome I didn't have very much time having unexpected surgery and well needed to get stuff before and fast thank you so much....
damarisOctober 03 2017
muy bonitos, muchas gracias
DangieMay 05 2017
Just what I was looking for for our Revenge of the Sith[6th] Party! So awesome, thanks! :-)
AnonymousMarch 28 2017
THANK YOU for the templates. I just downloaded and printed both. Can't wait to use it for a baby shower.
Get Away TodayMarch 27 2017
Hi Jill! We are so sorry the download is not working for you. We double checked and it seems to be clear on our end so we suggest clearing your cache and cookies as well as trying a different browser. Please let us know if the issue persists!
Jill March 25 2017
Having trouble with download.
Jasmine November 23 2016
Thankyou for sharing these and how to waterproof them - I've seen the idea but had not worked out how to stop the printing from running! They printed really well and look great on the water bottles.
gbeanNovember 02 2016
These are awesome! I can't wait to have these for my son's b-day party. Thank you kindly for sharing!
Cindy deRosierJuly 20 2016
I'm the Editor of Fun Family Crafts and wanted to let you know that we have featured your fabulous water bottle printable! So clever! You can see the feature here:
If you have other kid-friendly craft tutorials, we'd love for you to submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can get one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a great project idea!
Isabel SantosJuly 16 2016
Excelente. Graciaspor tan maravillosas ideas.
AnonymousJuly 12 2016
Thank you this will be great for the Star wars theme baby shower! ??
AnonymousJune 02 2016
Thank you so so much!!! The kids will love these!!
BillieApril 14 2016
How fun! My boys are going to love these! Sharing at
AnaApril 13 2016
JennApril 01 2016
Thank you so much! My soon-to-be 5 year old will LOVE these!
JessicaFebruary 22 2016
Thank you so much! The labels are perfect for my son's 5th Birthday, he is going to love it! (:
CatharineFebruary 12 2016
Thanks so much! I'm using these for my son's 30th birthday party!
AnonymousJanuary 04 2016
Thanks for sharing these! These labels are AWESOME!!!! Im using them for my son's 8th birthday (bowling) party with family. Everyone's going to love them. :)